Falling and floating dreams are some of the most fun dream experiences one can have. A dreamer can learn much during these experiences. In regards to falling dreams, these can teach you how to handle stress and overcome your fears of various limitations that you encounter. This could range from a fear of failure of the school to as deep as relationship issues that may be due to some insecurities within the self and/or not having the ability to let go. There have been rumors regarding death and falling in dreams. I’ve had many falling dreams in my dream journey and relation to death; there is some truth to this rumor. Why? In the experiences within the dream world for me, death is a symbolism of that particular situation coming to an end. Have you had an experience where you have gotten yourself so stressed that you have made yourself sick? The way we think can make our bodies turn toxic and make us very ill. Concerning falling and dying in dreams, with the experiences I’ve had this has been the death of the stresses we face and once we are in our dream state that part of ourselves does happen to die and we may or may not grow from them(which will be covered later in this post).
How about Floating dreams? Floating dreams are very peaceful. I had my first one when I was five years old. In this particular dream, I was in a supermarket in the fruit section. As I was hovering over the produce, I was able to pick up the fruit. I then began throwing them at people. I found this to be very entertaining. I want to backtrack a little. The dream I had when I was five the I’m interpreting occurred when I was in my early teens. In addition to remembering dreams, I also could step back into a dream, and more than likely, I can do a proverbial time stamp….now back to our regularly scheduled program.
I had a transition to another dream from here, which I will describe later at this point in my dream experience. I had none. So what had I learned from this particular dream? I’m a free spirit and I love to have fun. Also, I am a kid at heart. Pretty simple.
Where does that place us from here?…. Floating dreams are a great way of feeling a sense of freedom; we associate this feeling with love and peaceful feeling. This is also a great time to be recharged from our daily stresses. When we’re floating, WE ARE ONE with all things. This is also our most vulnerable state. The transition dream I had from the supermarket dream was to the hospital. The transition for some might distinguish injury or sickness. In my situation, it was that of being born. During this point, it was being born into something great. The energy which I felt here was just awesome.
Now the core of this post
As the falling and floating dreams progress, we are always in a state of healing. This goes with our nature as a spiritual being. Much like our cuts on our physical body, it takes time to heal the way it works in the dream world is no different. However, healing may take longer. If we have a heavy heart or don’t let things go as our dream state progresses, much like negative thoughts, build toxins within our physical body, a heavy heart and not letting go poisons our spirit. It is through this toxicity in our spiritual lives that causes us to fall even when things are going well. The negativity is a magnet, and those around are the positive charges since it pulls (forces these aspects towards us which we cannot be released). I’ve felt these as well as seen them in people. These people are in an infinite loop. Some might ask, “So, how do those who are positive attract objects?” You can think of the positive as one of those bug zappers without the zap…so the situation. As we progress through our lives with the constant falling and floating state, we learn from our experiences. As we gain more positive energy, all objects around us are slowly drawn in (unlike the magnet of the negative) for those who can feel, sense or see, notice it is much softer and it does not have strong of a force pulling it in like it’s a counter part. This energy source is what allows us to learn and grow within ourselves. The purer the energy the greater the knowledge base which we can obtain and the less pure the lesser the knowledge base. This is not to say that we all don’t draw or even release negative energy, which we do. Our physical body runs on O2. As we inhale our lungs, take in O2, and as we exhale, we release CO2. Our spirit body does the same. However, our spirit body runs on energy so it takes in positive and releases negative energy. If that negative is not released, it starts to affect our physical being, so the bridge between our physical and spiritual bodies is through the dreams we have and Freud was correct in mentioning that our dreams are part of the previous day’s events.
The falling and floating dreams at the level I am at, even at a young age has affected me physically. I have had a few falling dreams that have been so powerful that it woke me out of REM sleep. I have had floating dreams just as powerful that the feeling lasted for a few days. Some say that I am on drugs, but those who know me can tell you I don’t take drugs, and I may occasionally drink alcohol, but not enough to say that I drink. Alcohol does have a rather subtle effect in the dream world. Alcohol has the same effect in the dream world as it does when someone has insomnia, with this minor difference. Alcohol, at least for me in the dream state, has prolonged the experience compared to insomnia, where the dreamer experiences in stages. The amount of alcohol in this particular situation is irreverent. Just as long as you have alcohol in your system, it will affect your dream state, regardless if it is a lucid dream or an out of body experience. There are some lessons you can take from these experiences, which is why dreams have fascinated me for as long as they have.
Though I do not advise the abuse of alcohol, one should seek help if you suffer from this disease through your local AA or other substance abuse facility and being in a constant state of the twilight state within the sleep cycle can open up many possibilities that one could not open up without the proper environmental awareness development. The dreamer can, within this altered state, have a heightened awareness. However, one should be cautious since this is a false sense of ability and in most cases, have a difficult time achieving this state. It’s equivalent to those taking performance-enhancing drugs to where they cannot perform at where they were at.
In closing, falling and floating dreams are a great way of various experiences and learn from them. I know I’ve learned many things from my dreams, and I continue to learn from them under a clear mind though I’ve had some interesting experiences the moments of the not so clear mind. I DO NOT take any drugs since drugs, and I have a mutual dislike for one another. We give each other bad side effects 😛 Regardless if you’re sending out positive or negative energy, a dreamer can always learn from their experiences.
Dream big and dream often.