Mayan End of the world prediction?

It seems the world will be ending today, so I hope this post will go through.  😛

With all the biblical talk of the end of the world, I’ll be taking a different approach to the whole Mayan calendar aspect.

Though it is not a dream I’ve had, it is, however, I’ve had a feeling in an energy shift since I’ve first noticed my experiences.  I have talked to a friend regarding this, and regardless if this accounts for validation or not, it’s something that has been crossing my mind.

The end of the world prediction or energy shift my friend and I have discussed from that of the Masculine to the Feminine energy.  This person has mentioned to me the rebellion that the Nun’s have had against the Pope regarding some situation, other signs that may or may not be of validation.  In sports, during the Olympics, there seems to have been more female teams that have won compared to the men teams.  Other aspects seems to be showing up is the perception of more feminine movements such as attachment parenting, where women are now taking a stand regarding the right to breastfeed.  This had not been an issue in the past; rather, this has not been so heavily covered(no pun intended) why now?

So what other characteristics are coming to play?  I have a prediction regarding the future U.S. census.  My prediction is from 2012-? To the next energy shift(whenever that may be)much like the baby boomer era of 1946,  In this period, there will be more female births; in addition, more females will take over the male positions.  Also, look at the kid’s sports now.  Scoring is not done because we will hurt the feelings of children and we have to protect them and everyone gets a trophy for participating.

Life is full of disappointments and sports condition kids to accept the realities of it.  This is what makes children grow and mature, and yet we as a society are taking that away from them.  For those who read this, no, I do not have children, which makes me all the better to comment regarding this because it allows for a clearer point of view because of the clouded mindset we as a people develop as we get into a certain position in life.  In psychology, if I remember correctly is called cognitive dissonance.  Perhaps the end of the world isn’t what we expect it to be nor the form it will take and it occurs in brief moments.

Some may consider this cynical others may not.  People will believe what they will because they are a product of their environment.  It’s a fight of nature v. nurture. I won’t change the minds of those here and it is not meant to.  It’s just a different P.O.V from that of religion.

This post is neither positive nor negative.  It is simply a post and a viewpoint. The aspect of what is positive and negative is a subjective matter that people add value to.  Which I’m sure people will say, how I can not put a value on something or even if I’m indifferent to something. I will not answer that not because I can’t or won’t, it’s just not important.  There are enough restraints as it is, and limiting yourself to what is positive or negative is absurd.

We bombard ourselves with all sorts of crap we buy into all this stuff for what?